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Bennett & Kerr Books

Welcome to Bennett and Kerr Books Website.

  Bennett & Kerr Books (ABA, ILAB) was begun in 1982 by Edmund Bennett & Andrew Kerr. We specialise in antiquarian, rare and scholarly books on the Middle Ages and Renascence, and issue regular catalogues. Our last Catalogue 237 (1818 books, strong on Byzantine & medieval art including Krautheimer's Corpus basilicarum Christianarum Romae) is still available; Catalogue 238 (with much on medieval English literature & religion) is about to appear. Our whole stock of eleven thousand volumes is on shelves here in our warehouse at the end of a farmyard, beyond the church, in the picturesque village of Steventon, south of Oxford. We are usually here between 10 am and 5 pm Monday-Friday (& occasional Saturdays) and welcome visitors, but it's best to email or telephone (01235 820604) in advance to avoid a wasted journey. The nearest rail station is Didcot, and the X2 bus runs Oxford-Didcot via Abingdon and Steventon; we are 15 minutes' walk down The Causeway from the bus stop, if you're not held up at the railway crossing. Nearly all our books are listed on this website. WE REGRET THAT THE CUSTOMER LOG-IN IS NOT WORKING, so for the time being please direct-email your queries or requirements to, or telephone us on + (0)1235 820604  

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Iffley church image from the 2018 guide-book written by the late Mark Phythian-Adams, whose books are listed in this catalogue.

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